Nissue #9: David Harris, President of Union College.
College is a memory and blur of good times and mixed emotions, and if you put in some effort a pretty darn good foundation for life as well. That was my experience at Union College, at least, and over the years (and as a father), I’ve grown more appreciative of my time spent there.
Back in 2018, I learned about David Harris being appointed the 19th President of Union College. I have yet to meet the man in person but when I reached out to the school, David gave no hesitation in responding to my odd and assorted Proust-like questions. I wonder if other school presidents would take the time to answer an alumnus of some questionable repute!
Nish: What is your idea of perfect happiness?
David: Macro: Knowing that I am increasing joy for my family and the world, and eliminating barriers to people achieving their full potential.
Micro: Losing myself in a bike ride or in learning something new.
Nish: What was your worst job ever?
David: In the summer of 1989, I was an undercover security guard at a drug store in LA. I had to walk the store for hours, trying to discretely catch people shoplifting (profiling?). I think I lasted a week or two.
Nish: What was your first job ever?
David: Other than delivering newspapers for the Main Line Times, my first job was as a bill collector. I called sorority women who had purchased crystal they couldn’t afford. I was 15, so my options were limited. On the phone, no one knew I was so young. When I found another option I took it.
Nish: What was your best job ever?
David: In all honesty, it is President of Union College. It is also the hardest job I’ve ever had. I love getting to know students, staff, and faculty; sharing ideas; and seeing people grow. I also love the challenges of leadership, which is a good thing given what we have confronted since March 2020.
Nish: What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
David: I don’t prioritize my mental and physical health as much as I should. I’m better at self-care than I was 15 years ago, but I’ve been slipping since arriving at Union.
Nish: What is the trait you most deplore in others?
David: Pomposity. I have major problems with people who think they are more important than others; that they have all of the answers. No matter what people think, I am always trying to understand what motivates their beliefs, and if they have considered others’ perspectives deeply. When people belittle others, I always wonder if they have ”walked a mile in other people’s shoes” and sincerely tried to understand their experiences.
Nish: What’s some advice you’d give to yourself at 23?
David: Keep believing in yourself and doing what brings you joy.
Nish: What is your greatest extravagance?
David: My bikes. I always tell my wife that it could be much worse. I could have a passion for cars, not bikes.
Nish: You have dinner reservations for 4 at Noma, excluding family and close friends, who are the three people (alive, dead or imaginary) you’d invite?
David: We’re going to need a bigger table, but if that’s not possible: W.E.B. Du Bois. Barack Obama. Aretha Franklin.
Nish: What is the theme song of your professional life?
David: I love music of many types, but if forced to choose one, I’d go with: Reverend James Cleveland’s I Don't Feel No Ways Tired. My grandfather was a Methodist minister, so even though I am not a religious person, I draw a lot of inspiration from my early years in the church.
Nish: What is your motto?
David: 1. Become more comfortable being uncomfortable, and 2. No matter how slow you’re going, you’re still lapping everyone on the couch.
Nish: What is something you're really excited about right now?
David: Helping Union achieve its full potential, and finding creative ways to ensure that the world understands how special Union is. Breaking my single-year records for number of Peloton rides and number of miles ridden on the road.

Fun Fact: Union is located in Schenectady, NY, a city whose name is derived from the Mohawk word skahnéhtati, translated as "beyond the pines." Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, and Eva Mendes shot the neo-noir crime drama “The Place Beyond The Pines” right in town.