Not so long ago, I interviewed Nagendra Nadaraja aka My Dad for In Search Of Lost Answers. That nissue quickly became a “fan favorite” — and it was a personal pleasure to get all Proust-like on the old man — but there was also a small but growing contingent that kept on asking the same question over and over again: What about your Mom?
Indeed, Irangani “Mom” Nadaraja was a tougher nut to crack. She at first didn’t want to even do the interview. But with some nudging from the aforementioned Dad, she finally acquiesced.
I inherited a lot from her: my love for reading, a few neurotic tendencies, a little absent-mindedness, and a whole lot of creativity and perseverance. This was, after all, a woman who became a leading neuro anesthesiologist at a time when many mothers stayed at home. Even when rheumatoid arthritis began attacking her body, she continued to work, never giving up, instilling my first real lessons in the beauty of positive thinking.
She was the type of mom who peeled pomegranates for me (I could have sworn they grew naturally in bowls) and made me Ceylonese tea in the morning. She was the type of mom that did not give up her Sri Lankan citizenship just in case her son was drafted. She’s the type of mom who sends emails with things like “Thinking of you” and “You are the best” in the subject line and nothing else. I hope I can be half as good of a parent one day.
So the wait is over, and with Mom turning one year older last week, it’s perfect timing. Happy Birthday, Mom.
Nish: What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Mom: Having you and my one grandchild at home, and Jane too. Just being with my family.
Nish: What was your worst job ever?
Mom: Even when I was a neuro anesthesiologist, I still cooked, did the dishes, took care of you and Dad, but I don’t regret it. But work should not be your life unless you love it.
Nish: What was your first job ever?
Before becoming a doctor, I was a science teacher. That was a long time ago, I almost forgot!
Nish: What was your best job ever?
I think I did well at being a doctor but still think being your mom is the best. And being a grandmother!
Nish: What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Procrastination, sometimes being lazy but I’ve earned it.
Nish: What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Dishonesty and meanness.
Nish: What’s some advice you’d give to yourself at 23?
I wish I wrote more. I used to write so much poetry. I still read a lot and that’s like living a new life with each book.
Nish: What is your greatest extravagance?
Going to Barnes & Noble and reading books there, and of course, buying you and Dash books! Our life is simple, but seeing our friends and going on walks are still great pleasures.
Nish: You have exclusive dinner reservations for 4, excluding family and close friends, who are the 3 people (alive, dead or imaginary) you’d invite?
Michelle Obama, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela. If they cannot make it, will enjoy rice and curry at home!
Nish: What is the theme song of your professional life?
Amazing Grace is my favorite.
Nish: What is your motto?
Life is too precious to get angry about anything. This too shall pass.
Nish: What is something you’re really excited about right now?
Mom: Seeing you again. When are you coming home?
End Interview.
Great write up and Interview Nish. Lovely gift for aunty and all of us. Love it!!